Friday, February 25, 2011

Week Six

Learned more about Web 2.0 applications and found another 2 I'm using now.  The Diigo bookmarking program and Screencast-O-Matic, screen capturing and audio program have both been great to use.  Our group project used these programs for our teaching/learning module for Web 2.0 How 2.0.  Mahalo to Kahea for suggesting these as our tools!

I've been reading the discussion on Intellectual Property & Fair Use.  Most people seem to agree about the commercial aspects of stealing (?) but not so much about the personal use and having the material for teaching. Unenforceable.  I'm still not aware of any educator being sued over this.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Week Five

Web 2.0 was my focus of the week and engaging it with the group project.  After reviewing available Web 2.0 online programs it seems to me they all fall into 3 distinct groups: a.) programs selling ad space, b.) programs trying to sell their wares with mini-versions of the program, c.) programs trying to start social groups for later commercial purposes (selling out to Google?). One of the programs we choose to use has a 14-day trial run, which then turns into a monthly payment (more then I'd be willing to pay), the other has the "joining a group" aspect to it. There is much redundancy to these programs.  How many 2 minutes videos can someone make? 

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Week Four

The question about how to use social media has been in the news regarding Egypt and middle eastern uprisings, not to mention the ETEC class and how it relates to education.  The discussion readings/video were very interesting, especially Danah Boyd and her take on how teenagers are using social media as a gathering or hangout place. It made sense; home is not a private place for young adults, they even get told to clean up their rooms once in a while. I was listening to a podcast about how governments can turn off access to social media (shutting down servers and mobile phone service) and was wondering if this is the next step in censorship.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Week Three

Interesting group proposals, I'm not sure which I liked the best but they all had aspects I thought would be useful. The different web based technologies are very handy but I'm not yet sold on them for teaching.  Alternatives at this point seem more refined and tend to be better organized for the most part but I'm guessing I'll be changing my mind as I go along.